Download page

wxJSON is distributed under the wxWidgets license and it is, by now, only available in source format.
Note that for some releases you do not find the download button. This is because those versions of the wxJSON library are so old that you should definitely not use them. You can also get the latest revision of the sources by using anonymous access to the Subversion repository of the wxCode project at
For info about how to access the repository read the FAQ section of the wxCode project website

In august 2009 I planned some new versions of the library. You find detailed info by clikking here

wxJSON 1.2

This release is mainly a code cleanup, bug-fix and compilation's error fix. Now wxJSON compiles also on STL-enabled wxWidgets' builds. . download

wxJSON 1.1

This release is a complete reorganization of the wxJSON reader and writer. Now both classes only process UTF-8 streams instead of using a char-by-char conversion. A significant speed improvement is achieved. download

wxJSON 1.0

The first stable release is derived from version 0.5.2 but introduces some compatibility breaks with versions 0.x. Read this page for more info. download

wxJSON 0.5

This release adds support for long integers (64-bit integers) by changing the internal storage of the integer type which will be stored as a wxInt64 (signed) or wxUInt64 (unsigned) type. You can get an integer type using the AsU/Int() memberfunction or the AsU/Int64() memberfunction. download

wxJSON 0.4

This release adds the copy-on-write feature to JSON value objects. JSON value objects may be very complex and the copy constructor and assignment operator may be a very time-consuming operation. By deriving from wxObject and by implementing COW, a significant time saving will be achieved.

wxJSON 0.3

This release adds full unicode support in the case wxWidgets was built with unicode enabled. If unicode is not enabled in wxWidgets the library is, however, able to handle unicode escape sequences.

wxJSON 0.2

This release adds C/C++ comment lines full handling for both reading and writing. This version is an alpha stage of the library because it lacks unicode support.

wxJSON 0.1

The first version provides the basic features to read and write JSON formatted text from / to JSON values. This is an alpha version and some features are missing.